talk showfrom | the In Depth showby | C+SPAN2006The future + tech singularity.
January 1, 2023
label ::
broadcast: C+SPAN
program: Book TV
talk show: the In Depth show
episode: The future + tech singularity.
date: November 2006
host: text
guest: Ray Kurzweil
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broadcast: C+SPAN
web: home ~ channel
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about ::
The author, inventor, and futurist Ray Kurzweil was interviewed about his life and work. Topics included expanding human intelligence with machines, pattern recognition, inventing machines to help people with sense disabilities, and the computing field of artificial intelligence.
Included were video clips of Kurzweil’s appearance on I’ve Got a Secret in 1965, a demo of a virtual avatar he created in 2001, and clips from 2006 featuring a tour of his office.
Ray Kurzweil is author of several books on science, tech, and the future.
:: the Age of Intelligent Machines
:: the Age of Spiritual Machines
:: the Singularity Is Near
Since the 1970s — his companies have made major breakthroughs in print, sound, and speech recognition tech.
AI = artificial intelligence
TV = television
C+SPAN = cable satellite public affairs network