on stageevent | the Council on Foreign RelationsvintageExponentially expanding future + shrinking tech.
January 1, 2024
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group: the Council on Foreign Relations
program: The series on science + foreign policy.
talk: Exponentially expanding future + shrinking tech.
author: by Ray Kurzweil
date: November 2005
host: Richard N. Foster
guest: Ray Kurzweil
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card :: the Council on Foreign Relations
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name: Richard N. Foster
bio: investor + business analyst
bio: Managing Partner
company: Millbrook Management grp.
bio: Venture Partner
company: Lux Capital :: visit
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Ray Kurzweil spoke about rapidly advancing tech, and its possible implications for the future. He explained how tech evolves. And demonstrates how —- with this understanding —- he’s successfully predicteds things. Like the world-wide use of the web, decades before most people even knew what it was.
He used data graphs to present the potential for extremely miniature devices —- in the engineering field called called nano-tech.
And addressed concerns that society’s increased reliance on tech will be bad for humanity. He also dialogued with the audience for q + a.
— notes —
q + a =
grp. = group